Make Mobile App using Python Part4

Creating APK

Posted by Afsal on 16-Jun-2023

Hi pythonistas!

This is final part of make mobile app using Python. Today we will learn how to make a mobile apk. For that we need a package called buildozer


pip install --upgrade buildozer

Then run the init function

buildozer init

Once the init function completed a file called buildozer.spec is created in the current directory.

Open the buildozer.spec file in a text editor. This file contains various configuration options for packaging your application. Modify the values according to your application's requirements. Some important configurations to consider are:

title: The name of your application. The package name for your application (e.g., com.example.myapp).

source.dir: The path to the main directory of your application.

requirements: The dependencies required by your application.

You can refer to the Buildozer documentation for more information on available configuration options in official link

We need sqlite3 also so i have updated the

requirements = python3,kivy,sqlite3

Once the edit is done, run 

buildozer android debug

Once the build process completes, the test APK file will be located in the bin directory within your project directory. The test APK is usually named something like <your app name>-<version><architecture>-debug.apk

Note: APK generated is for test build.

Hope you have learned something from this post. If you need a post on release build please let me know. Please share you valuable suggestions with