Hello Pythonistas!
Python 3.11 was released on Oct 25, 2022. As per the documentation “Python 3.11 is between 10-60% faster than Python 3.10. On average, we measured a 1.25x speedup on the standard benchmark suite”. Python3.11 comes with lots of improvements. I am going to explain 5 features that I found interesting.
1 Better error Location
We get a better error location in 3.11 than before
def hello_world(name):
print("Hello "+ name)
Run using python3.11
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/afsal/Desktop/experiments/PYTHON_EXPERIMENT/python_experiments/python_311.py", line 7, in <module>
File "/home/afsal/Desktop/experiments/PYTHON_EXPERIMENT/python_experiments/python_311.py", line 4, in hello_world
print("Hello "+ name)
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
Run using python3.10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/afsal/Desktop/experiments/PYTHON_EXPERIMENT/python_experiments/python_311.py", line 7, in <module>
File "/home/afsal/Desktop/experiments/PYTHON_EXPERIMENT/python_experiments/python_311.py", line 4, in hello_world
print("Hello "+ name)
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
We can see that in Python3.11 error location is more clear than in the previous version
2. Exception Note
In the new version, there is a provision to add extra notes to exceptions. A new method add_note is used for the same. Let us check with an example
def divide_function(a, b):
return a/b
except Exception as e:
e.add_note("You have passed zero as the denominator please change")
divide_function(1, 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/afsal/Desktop/experiments/PYTHON_EXPERIMENT/python_experiments/python_311.py", line 13, in <module>
divide_function(1, 0)
File "/home/afsal/Desktop/experiments/PYTHON_EXPERIMENT/python_experiments/python_311.py", line 6, in divide_function
return a/b
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
You have passed zero as the denominator please change
3 Added new module tomllib
Added a new module called tomllib for parsing TOML documents.
toml_str = """title = 'TOML Example'
server = ''
ports = [ 8000, 8001, 8002 ]
connection_max = 5000
enabled = true
import tomllib
data = tomllib.loads(toml_str)
{'title': 'TOML Example', 'database': {'server': '', 'ports': [8000, 8001, 8002], 'connection_max': 5000, 'enabled': True}}
TOML Example
Using this module we can load a toml string and access the information easily
4 StrEnum
Added a new type StrEnum in the enum module. We can generate value to string enum automatically using the auto method. Value with be the same as the name of the field
Before Python3.11
from enum import Enum
class PrimaryColors(Enum):
RED = "red"
GREEN = "green"
BLUE = "blue"
print(f"PrimaryColors are: {PrimaryColors.RED.value}, {PrimaryColors.GREEN.value}, {PrimaryColors.BLUE.value}")
PrimaryColors are: red, green, blue
In Python3.11
from enum import StrEnum, auto
class PrimaryColors(StrEnum):
RED = auto()
GREEN = auto()
BLUE = auto()
print(f"PrimaryColors are: {PrimaryColors.RED.value}, {PrimaryColors.GREEN.value}, {PrimaryColors.BLUE.value}")
PrimaryColors are: red, green, blue
This helps us create string enums very easily
5 Update in the math module
Added 2 new methods for finding cube root and exponent of 2
>>> import math
>>> math.cbrt(8)
>>> math.exp2(3)
There are lots of changes you can refer to the official documentation for this
I hope you have learned something from this post. Please share your feedback with afsal@parseltongue.co.in